Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Backbiting and the Dead Donkey

When two individuals were conniving about an individual who had submitted infidelity. Prophet Muhammad (saw) heard their discussion and continued strolling unobtrusively. Sooner or later, they went over dead remains of a jackass with dissipated legs.

Rasoolallah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said to them...

"Proceed to eat the substance of this dead jackass." They stated, "In what manner can the tissue of a dead jackass be eaten?" 

Rasoolallah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) stated..

"You offended your sibling, which is more regrettable than eating the substance of a dead jackass." 

The above episode has been separated from a hadith described by Abu Dawud.

We gain from this episode that the foul impact of conniving is far and away more terrible than eating the meat of a dead bad creature. Defaming is sweet to the tongue however it is like smoking. The smoker appreciates when he is smoking and yet, he is annihilating his lungs. In a similar way, when an individual defames, he/she is decimating their own great deeds by parting with them to the individual they are discussing.

Besides, on the off chance that somebody slanders a ton, don't confide in them with your mysteries. That is on the grounds that, on the off chance that they can discuss others decisively, they can positively discuss you with others.

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