Thursday, 16 April 2020

Always tells the truth - The boy who cried "Wolf"

Once there was a shepherd kid who needed to care for a herd of sheep. At some point, he felt exhausted and chose to pull a prank on the residents.

He yelled, "Help! Wolf! Wolf!" 

The locals listened to his cries and surged off the town to help the shepherd kid. At the point when they contacted him, they inquired...

"Where is the wolf?" 

The shepherd kid giggled noisily, "Ha, Ha, Ha! I tricked every one of you. I was just pulling a prank on you." 

A couple of days after the fact, the shepherd kid played this stunt once more.

Again he cried, "Help! Help! Wolf! Wolf!" Again, the residents hurried up the slope to support him and again they found that kid had deceived them. They were irate with him for being so shrewd.

At that point, at some point later, a wolf went into the field. The wolf assaulted one sheep, and afterward one more and again. The shepherd kid ran towards the town yelling, "Help! Help! Wolf! Help! Someone!"

The townspeople heard his cries yet they giggled in light of the fact that they thought it was another stunt. The kid rushed to the closest resident and stated...

"A wolf is assaulting the sheep. I lied previously, however this time it is valid!" 

At long last, the townspeople went to look. It was valid. They could see the wolf fleeing and numerous dead sheep lying on the grass.

We may not believe someone who often tells lies, even when he tells the truth.

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